
I value building a community that connects generations, harnessing their unique talents and strengths to solve problems and foster mutual growth, respect, and support.

I am committed to identifying successful strategies from other countries that could enhance registered apprenticeships in America. Notably, countries like Germany and Switzerland have effectively used apprenticeships to retain workers in key industries. The reason I am interested in other countries is because my master’s program instilled the value of having a world perspective. I want to keep that as part of who I am academically as I move on to doctorial work. It is my interest in workforce development that drives me to explore topics that could contribute to the development of a successful community college apprenticeship model. Education became valuable to me when it had a practical application (earning a paycheck and gaining independence) that applied to my everyday life as I saw it as a young person. I am interested in workforce development as it relates to that career foundation period between the end of high school and the age of no more than 30. I am seeking a subject for my first dissertation project that is both manageable and impactful, aligning with these goals.

My immediate goal is to complete my degree coursework in a manner that not only deepens my understanding of community college students and the obstacles they face in accessing workforce development programs but also equips me with a thorough grasp of the research surrounding the topic of community college apprenticeships.



